When Award is selected, Modern Award allows you to select from the list of Awards you have previously added in Awards/Agreements.
When Agreement is selected, Agreement Name allows you to select from the list of Agreements you have previously added in Awards/Agreements.
Underpinning Award is displayed when Agreement is selected and displays the Award the Agreement is based on.
Classification defines the Payee's Level under the respective Award or Agreement.
Job Title defines the Payee's Job Title under the respective Award or Agreement.
Commenced allows you to define the date the Payee/Payer relationship began.
Cessation Date allows you to define the date the Payee/Payer relationship ended. In the case of a Deceased Payee, this is the date they passed away.
Cessation Reason is displayed once a Cessation Date has been entered wing you to define why the Payee/Payer relationship ended.