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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Notify ATO Explained (Send STP Update)
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🎯 The Send STP Update Page is used to advise the ATO that you have either changed the Payee YTD Taxation Balances which already exist in e-PayDay Go, or changed Payroll Solutions, which may include transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 reporting.



The Navigation Menu allows you to progress through each step of the Update Submission.


I am notifying the ATO that: must be selected to enable the Notify ATO button.


Name of Payer Declarer / Name of Intermediary Declarer is prefilled from STP Reporting in the Orgainsations settings.



Preview STP File enables you to view a copy of the STP Submission before it is sent to the ATO.


Notify ATO enables you to declare the information contained in the Update Action is true and correct.

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