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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Send STP Update Explained
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🎯 The Send STP Update Page is used to send an Update Event to advise the ATO that you have either changed the Payee YTD Taxation Balances which already exist in e-PayDay Go, or changed Payroll Solutions, which may include transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 reporting.



The Navigation Menu allows you to progress through each step of the Update Submission.


Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Payees List.

The Payees List displays the Payee CodeFirst NameFamily Name, Pay Location, Employment Basis, Pay PeriodClassification, Tax Treatment Code and Cessation Date for each previously added Payee.

🎯 We've included the ability to change the sort order by selecting the relevant arrow in the Table Headings.


Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many Payees you would like displayed per page.


Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Payees.

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