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Home > Start Here > STEP 3 - Add your Awards/Agreements.
STEP 3 - Add your Awards/Agreements.
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🎯 You can use the Fair Work Find my awardexternal-icon.png tool to confirm which Awards apply to your Business. You may also have a Registered Agreement in place which can be searched on the Fair Work Commission websiteexternal-icon.png. You should seek external qualified advice if you are unsure.


🎯 The Award/Agreement is configured with the rules for a Full Time Payee. However, when the Award/Agreement is assigned to a Casual Payee, only the relevant leave rules are brought across (e.g. LSL and PFDVL).


Select Awards/Agreements.


Select + Add Award/Agreement then refer to either Add an Award or Add an Agreement to complete the process.


🎯 When a Payee is not covered by an award or agreement, they are considered award and agreement-free. However, they are still entitled to at least the National minimum wage and National Employment Standards (NES). Based on this, we recommend that National Employment Standards (NES) be selected in;
- Modern Award when adding an Award.
- Underpinning Award when adding an Agreement.


🎯 When a Payee is paid Directors' Fees instead of Ordinary Time, the Award or Agreement should be configured based on what they would receive if they did work Ordinary Time.

NEXT STEP: After completing the setup process for your Awards/Agreements, you can proceed to add your Superannuation Funds (STEP 4).

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