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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Personal Details Explained (Payee Master File)
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🎯 The Personal Details Accordion is used to define the Payee's contact details and payroll identifiers.



Payee Code: Unique Payee Identifier which is typically alphanumeric. (Aa - Zz, 0 - 9).


STP Payee ID: Unique Payee Identifier which may differ from the Payee Code. Typically alphanumeric. (Aa - Zz, 0 - 9).


STP Previous Payee Payroll ID: Unique Payee Identifier from your previous payroll system.


Tax File Number (TFN): Unique Identifying Number assigned to a taxpayer by tax authorities OR an Exemption Tax File Number if the taxpayer has not received their TFN.


🎯 The Payees Tax File Number can be changed by selecting edit.


First Name: Name provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Other Name: Name provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Family Name: Name provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Date of Birth: Day, Month and Year the Payee was born as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Gender as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Address, including Suburb / Town, State, Post Code and Country: The physical location the Payee lives as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Visa, Expiry and Country: Only applicable when Residency for Taxation Purposes is Working Holiday Maker and allows you to store the Visa Number, Expiry Date and Country of Origin.


Email: Electronic Mail Address for Pay Slips and newsletters as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).


Phone: Telephone Contact Number.


Payee Photo

Upload: Add an Image of the Payee.

Delete: Delete the image of the Payee

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