Superannuation Fund displays the Payees selected Superannuation Fund.
Member Number stores the Payee's Unique Identifier for the Superannuation Fund.
$ or % is presently set to % and 11.50 per How much super to pay.
Minimum Contribution allows you to define the minimum Employer SG amount paid each Pay Period for this Payee.
Maximum Contribution allows you to define the maximum Employer SG amount paid each Pay Period for this Payee.
Use Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contribution Details? Copies the Superannuation Fund and Member Number from Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions into the same fields in Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC). These fields are then locked so that accidental changes cannot be made.
Superannuation Fund displays the Payees selected Superannuation Fund.
Member Number stores the Payee's Unique Identifier for the Superannuation Fund.
$ or % stores the percentage of RESC that will accrue on Ordinary Time Earnings, or the set dollar value they are entitled to each pay period.
Use Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contribution Details? Copies the Superannuation Fund and Member Number from Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions into the same fields in Personal Superannuation Contributions. These fields are then locked so that accidental changes cannot be made.
Superannuation Fund displays the Payees selected Superannuation Fund.
Member Number stores the Payee's Unique Identifier for the Superannuation Fund.