Payment Method allows you to select Cash, EFT or FAST-Bank.
If Payment Method = EFT or FAST-Bank,
Order allows you to re-organise the Payees bank account/s.
Amount allows you to define the amount (dollar or percentage) disbursed to the selected bank account. Select Balance for an account with no defined value.
As $400.00 is paid to the first account, only $100.00 of the Net Pay remains.
As ONLY $100.00 remains, this is transferred into the second account, and the third account is ignored.
As $400.00 is paid to the first account, $600.00 of the Net Pay remains.
As $600.00 remains, this is paid into the second account., rather than $300.00 as defined, otherwise the payee would be underpaid.
BSB allows you the enter the Bank, State, Branch (BSB) Code for the required bank account.
Code displays the 3-letter code associated with the BSB entered.
Account Number allows you the enter the Account Number for the required bank account.
Account Name allows you the enter the Account Name for the required bank account.
Reference allows you to enter the reference to display on the Payees Bank statement.
Add allows you to add the new Bank Account.
Delete allows you to delete the selected Bank Account once Save is selected.
If the Account has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.