Jan 06, 2024
Released 13 April 2023
- e-Mail Pay Slips. (20230408)
- Create and pay your Superannuation via an ABA File. (20230329)
- Define the Basic or Advanced Pay Template within the Payee Master File. (20230328)
- Changed Sending Service Providers for STP Reporting (now reporting with SuperChoice). (20230406)
- Advanced Pay Template Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230330)
- When commencing a new pay run after one or more pay periods have been 'missed', the Period Start, End and Pay Day dates are now retrieved from the Organisation. (20230412)
- Beneficiary Details have been hidden, as changes are required in a future release to implement Tax Treatment = ATO-Defined. (20230328)
- Updated the links for Registered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers (WHM) and Exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986 within the Organisation. (20230329)
- Updated the Declaration for STP Reporting due to changing Sending Service Providers. (20230406)
Issues Resolved
- The Payees Tax Treatment Code was not correctly updated when changing from Australian Resident to Working Holiday Maker. (20230413)
- The amounts displayed in FAST-Bank (Total of all Net Wages & Total PAYGW) were incorrect after removing the Pay Types loaded from Pay Template within Process. (20230413)
- When commencing a new pay run, the Period Start, End and Pay Day dates were not correctly displayed based on the last Regular or Missed Pay Run processed. (20230412)
The Payees Tax Treatment Code was not correctly updated when changing from Australian Resident to Working Holiday Maker, then back to Australian Resident. (20230412)
- Despite the Specific Date Range being selected, the Date Range could not be selected. (20230408)
- An error was displayed when creating a new Pay Run. (20230330)
- Overtime Pay Rates were not displaying the correct amount within Advanced Pay Template and Process. (20230330)
- Resolved the issue we were encountering with RFB Exemption Status Indicator = X (20230307)
- An error is returned from the ATO if the Pay Run Type is changed without selecting Process before selecting Notify ATO. (20230307)
- Despite all Pay Runs being posted, the Unposted Pay Runs Alert was displayed when attempting to create a SuperStream Submission. (20230305)
- Despite the Organisation Holding Account/s not containing any bank details, these accounts were still included when attempting to create a FAST-Bank File. (20230305)
- The Total Gross on the Withholding Tax Report displayed an incorrect amount as certain payments were incorrectly included. (20230305)
- Despite a Payees Banking Account being set to 100%, the Pay Advice Slip displayed the net pay as $100.00 instead of the correct amount. (20230305)
- When viewing a Payee, all fields are now disabled. (20230305)
- Updated the BSB API as a number of entries were being returned as invalid despite the BSB being valid. (20230304)
- Once the Cessation Dare is removed, the Cessation Reason is now cleared and disabled. (20230302)